Month: October 2014

Venetian Buffet: It’s Alive

The choice of color is very important and very personal. Many people can not like my choice, but remember that everything you can do. The doors have a thickness of 3 cm and a nice detail I want to point out are the hinges that I have imported from Italy called “POLISELLI.” This VENETIAN BUFFET […]

Venetian Buffet: It’s Born

Also this VENETIAN BUFFET is unique. Its style is characteristic from Bassano Del Grappa’s design that you can only find in Northern Italy. Made by an Italian craftsman with 30 years of experience in the furniture industry, MADE IN ITALY. These pictures give you an idea of how to make a good piece of furniture. […]

Venetian Buffet: the Birth

I created this furniture using the TASMANIA OAK’s WOOD for make the whole carcass, making the doors with a thickness of 3 cm. For this piece of furniture I imported hinges from Italy. Their correct Italian name is: “POLISELLI”. I did it with SOLID PINE’s wood all interior. IT’s great. Every detail will be able […]

Venetian Buffet: the Genesis

This time I want to create a piece of furniture really special: a VENETIAN BUFFET. Translated into italian is: CREDENZA VENETA SCANTONATA!!! Will be made entirely by hand, completely in the classic Venetian Style of Northern Italy. Italian manufacturing, (I’ll be create it),… with a fantastic Venetian craftsmanship (using my main professional skills) .This one […]

Wood-chest: All it in one post.

I made with really old wood, Larch’s wood, a Wood-chest where you can put pillows, blankets, games for children or anything you want, for to keep in order, for example, the living room. I did this job very…. really fast, so I have for show you just my sketch and same Wood-chest’s photos. Of course […]


I have a good surprise for you. In all my furniture I have the ability to achieve always a SECRET COMPARMENT for put money, documents or anything you want. I can build a FURNITURE with HIDDEN SECRET and I can accomplish it in different ways. I show you this one, just for an example.   […]